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来源:网友投稿 | 发布时间:2022-06-27 16:35:04 |





 (如与实际事件 或在世 已故人物有任何相似之处)


 贝蒂 Betty. 我的美女 宝贝 My beauty, my baby. 你从来没这样跟妈妈说话 You don"t talk to Mom that way. 别胡说 小子 Don"t babble, boy. 一定要确保它安全到达别♥墅♥ Just make sure she gets to the villa safely. 我必须搭乘装甲车队 I have to travel in the armored motorcade, 我不放心让别人开 and I don"t trust anyone else to drive her. 是这样 You know… 会有一些大人物出席派对 你最好见见他们 There are going to be some big shots you"d do well to meet at the party, 一定要跟他们搞好关系 so make sure you mingle. -怎么了

 -没什么 -What is it? -Nothing. 我像你这么大的时候已经是上校了 When I was your age, I was already a colonel. 已婚 还有两个… Married with two-- 爸爸 别说了 Dad, come on. 我们讨论过这事 We talked about this. 只是有些事我还没弄明白 There are just some things I still need to figure out. 有什么没弄明白的 你是个成年男人了 What"s there to figure out? You"re a man now. -听着 -别吵了… -Look… -No, no, no. 不许吵架 今天不行 想都别想 No fighting. Not today. Forget about it.

 吵架 我们当然没在吵架 Fighting? Of course we"re not fighting. 卡西姆 Qasem. 妈妈 你好吗

 How are you, Mom? 我担心死了 Extremely anxious. 你们别因为愚蠢而毁了我的派对 Don"t you ruin my party with your foolishness. 告诉我 你的哪些朋友会来

 Tell me, which of your friends are coming? 还是平常那些 法尔扎德 舍尔温和他兄弟 还有其他几个 The usual. Farzad, Shervin, his brother, a few others. 记得把名单提前给保安 Don"t forget to send security their names. -亚萨曼来吗

 -不来 -What about Yasaman? -Oh, no. 妈妈 我现在不想提她 Mom, don"t bring that up right now. 你是不是有新欢了

 Is there someone else? -可能吧 -真的吗

 -Maybe. -Really? 告诉我 是哪家姑娘

 Tell me, who is she? 妈妈 我说有可能而已 I said maybe, Mom. 现在还不确定呢 There"s nothing concrete for now. -注意安全 -别担心 -Be careful, eh? -Don"t worry. 小心点开车 知道吗

 Be careful, okay? 别担心 Don"t worry. 阿里死了 Ali has been killed. 今天早上 在他车里发现了尸体 They found him this morning in his car, 胸口中枪

 gunshot to the chest. 在阿♥拉♥克 In Arak. -阿♥拉♥克

 -那是他的故乡 -Arak? -He"s from there. 他父母还住在那里 His parents still live there. 他跟你提过他们吗

 Did he ever mention them? 也许提过 Maybe. 我不确定 I"m not sure. 他死前好像给他们打过几次电♥话♥ Seems he tried to call them a couple times before he died. 他最近说过或做过什么事 可能暗示他有自杀倾向吗

 Did he say or do anything recently that might have suggested he was suicidal? 没有… No. Nothing. 他手里拿着的枪就是打出子弹的那把 His gun was in his hand. The same gun that fired the bullet. 但是感觉不太对劲 But something doesn"t feel right. 他是个循规蹈矩的人 He was straight as an arrow. 为什么会自杀 怎么可能

 Why would he just kill himself? How come? 我不知道 I don"t know. 但谁知道呢 But you never know. 他昨晚来过这里

 Was he here last night? 是的 我生病了 Yeah, I was sick. 他来看看我怎么样了 He came to see how I was doing. 他有没有告诉你要去哪里

 Did he tell you where he was going? 我以为他要回家 I thought he was going home.


 What did you two talk about? 没什么 Nothing. 闲聊而已 Small talk. 聊了点工作的事 A bit about work. 之后你一直待在这里

 And you stayed here afterwards? 当然了 Of course. 我还能去哪

 Where would I go? 我还有点虚弱 I"m still a little weak, you know? 法拉兹 Faraz. 不要试图替他掩盖什么 Don"t try to cover for him. 如果你知道什么 现在就告诉我 If you know anything, now"s the time to tell me. 他是不是惹什么麻烦了

 Was he in any trouble? 我真的不知道 Really, I don"t know anything. 什么都不知道 Not a thing. 贝蒂停在裴曼的车♥库♥里 我会进去把黑客装置装上 Betty"s parked at Peyman"s garage. I"ll connect the leech. 然后我们就能完全控制它了 Then we"ll have full control of her. 你完事后找个借口离开 As soon as you"re done, make an excuse and leave. 你必须赶在 You need to be out of there 塞帕进行安全检查前离开 before Sepah comes for their security check. 嘿 抱歉我来晚了 Hey. Sorry I"m late. 没事 确实值得等待

 It"s all good. It was worth the wait. 进来吧 Come in. -想不想看个很酷的东西

 -想 好的 -Wanna see something cool? -Yeah, sure. 去吧 Go. 天啊 你家很漂亮 Wow. Nice place. 是 确实漂亮 Yeah, it is. 不过我还是想念我的旧家 I miss my old place, though. -洛杉矶的家

 -威尼斯 -In LA? -Venice. 就在海边 Right by the beach. 不像这里这么豪华 Nothing fancy like this… 但那是家 but it was home. 快点啊… Come on. Come on. 干杯 Cheers. 我妈妈曾经说过 You know, my mom used to say 一个人一旦离开自己的家 that a person who moves away from their home once 就再也没有家了 will never have one again. 我不知道 I don"t know. 几天前 我可能会同意她的观点 A few days ago, I probably would"ve agreed with her. -怎么这么久


 -Why"s it taking so long? -Want to get in here and do it yourself? 集中精力 我们没时间了 Stay focused. We don"t have time. 如果你别再吵我 我会… If you stop talking to me, I"ll--


 What? 没什么 我只是… Nothing, I just-- 我想慢慢来 I wanna take it slow. 再说了 在我见你父母之前 你不能弄乱我的衣服 Besides, you cannot mess up my outfit before I meet your parents. 那就太可惜了 That will be a shame. 该死 我们完蛋了 Fuck. We"re screwed. 没关系 我马上搞定 It"s okay. I"ve almost got it. 不是 你这个笨蛋 亚萨曼来了 No, you idiot. Yasaman"s here. 把门打开 我知道你在里面 Open up. I know you"re in there! 裴曼

 Peyman? 裴曼 Peyman! 裴曼

 Peyman? 快离开 里面情况太不可控了 Get out of there! It"s too unpredictable. 可我还没搞定 But I"m not finished! 别管那个了 立刻出来 Never mind that. Get out. Now! 该死 Damn it. 裴曼 你还要这样一直不理我多久

 Peyman, how long are you going to keep ignoring me? 别这样 Stop this! 天啊 她为什么在这

 The nerve! What is she doing here? -你怎么回事


 -What"s wrong with you? -What the fuck are you two doing? -你来干吗


 -What are you doing here? -You asshole! -你答应过我我们会在一起 -亚萨曼 -You promised me we"d be together. -Yasaman. 你说过我可以把我们的事告诉我父母 You told me I could tell my parents about us. 你不能就这样不请自来 You can"t just show up here! 我还能做什么

 What else was I supposed to do? 我一直给你打电♥话♥发短♥信♥ 你从来不回 I"ve been calling and texting you. You haven"t responded! -你看什么

 -别把她扯进来 -What are you looking at? -Leave her out of this. 你邀请她参加你的派对

 You invited her to your party? 裴曼 别这样对我… Don"t do this to me, Peyman. Don"t. 亚萨曼 请冷静 Yasaman, calm down. -你这个贱♥人♥ 别碰我 -嘿 -Don"t touch me, you bitch! -Hey! 你疯了吗

 Are you crazy? 我根本没碰到她 I barely touched her! -没事吧

 -没事 -You okay? -I"m fine. 该死 Fuck. -别… -对 快走 -Don"t-- -Yeah, go! 她说的事我都没答应过 I didn"t promise her any of those things. 听着 我不知道你们俩是怎么回事 但你要想清楚 Listen, I don"t know what"s up with the two of you. Figure it out. 她发现了派对的事 那… She found out about the party, that"s-- 和她聊聊吧 她很伤心 Talk to her. She"s really upset. 之后我给你打电♥话♥ 好吗

 然后我们再去派对 I"ll call you right after, yeah? We can still make it up there.


 Is it connected? 米拉德 Milad? -没有 -你说什么 怎么回事 为什么没连上

 -No. -What? What the fuck? Why not? 因为太危险了 Because it was too dangerous. 算了 我亲自动手 Never mind. I"ll do it myself. 打给马里安 告诉她我去参加派对 Call Marjan. Tell her I"m going to the party. 你怎么想

 What do you think? 太危险了 It"s way too dangerous. 用黑客装置就是为了让她不用真的去现场 The point of the leech was that she wouldn"t have to actually be there. 不 用黑客装置是为了杀死默罕马迪 No, the point of the leech was to kill Mohammadi 并让他的死看起来像一场意外 and make it look like an accident. 塔玛不用去现场只是额外奖励 Tamar not having to be there would have been a bonus. 默罕马迪计划最早在今晚 Mohammadi"s planning to sign a deal 与朝鲜签订协议 with the North Koreans as early as tonight. 是时候打出你手里的那张牌了 So it"s time to play that card you have been holding. 问题是如何把她弄出来 The problem is getting her out. 她一旦完成 就会变成瓮中之鳖 Once she"s done it, she"ll be a sitting duck. 这是我们愿意付出的代价 That"s a price we"re willing to pay. 贱♥人♥ Bitch. 你来干吗

 What do you want? 我们需要你帮忙

 We need your help. 要我帮忙

 My help? 我没亲手杀了你算你走运 You"re lucky I don"t kill you with my bare hands. 那你在碰到我之前就会死掉 You"d be dead before you even touched me. 我听说了你搭档的事 感到很遗憾 I"m so sorry to hear about your partner. 朋友自杀 你独自活下来 这感觉一定很煎熬 Suicides can be terribly difficult for those left behind. 你还想让他怎么样

 What more do you want from him? 我们之前说好的 积极配合我们 What was discussed. Active cooperation. 否则我们会把这些照片发给你的上司 Otherwise, these pictures will be sent to your boss. 发生在阿♥拉♥克的事就要交给德黑兰处理了 And what"s now in Arak will find its way back to Tehran. 你留着吧 这样比较容易 Keep it. It"s easier this way. 也许他不会打电♥话♥ Maybe he won"t call. 他会打来的 He"s going to call. 你跟他说的是真的吗

 Is it true what you told him? 我说的什么

 What? 一个人一旦离开自己的家 就再也没有家了 That a person who leaves home once will never have a home again. 我不知道 I don"t know. 因为我听着像是你的一个伎俩 "Cause to me it sounds like one of your tricks. 说接近真♥相♥的谎言 To tell a lie that"s close to the truth. 我再也受不了了 I can"t fucking stand it anymore. 听好了 我就是这样的人 Listen, this is who I am.

 我从未梦想要过平凡的生活 I"ve never dreamt of having an ordinary life. 那从来都不是我想要的 I"ve never wanted that. 这不是我的伎俩 我只是努力做我最擅长的事 It"s not a trick. I"m just trying to do what I know best. -你就是最好的 -不 我不是 -You are the best. -No, I"m not! 我不是 I"m not. 因为作为一名特工 我犯了史上最可悲的错误 "Cause as an agent, I made the most pathetic mistake in the book. 我爱上了自己的目标 I fell in love with my target. 是我把你牵扯进来 我很抱歉 I dragged you in this, and I"m sorry. 但说实话 But honestly… 我控制不了自己 I couldn"t help it. 因为我爱你 "Cause I love you. 我爱你 所以我不希望你发生任何不测 I love you and I don"t want anything bad to happen to you. -嘿 -嘿 -Hey. -Hey. 这是卡马力先生 This is Mr. Kamali. 他负责安全工作 He"s in cha...



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