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来源:网友投稿 | 发布时间:2022-06-20 10:05:03 |




 ♪不用考虑 自然就好♪ I don"t gotta think about it, be like it"s automatic ♪没事 没事 走吧 走吧♪ Okay okay, alright alright ♪我引起骚动 让众人回头♪ I was causing a stir, making all the heads turn ♪没事 没事 走吧 走吧♪ Okay okay, alright alright 我准备了美餐 Okay, I got us food, 菜量不多 多吃不撑 but not a lot of food, so we won"t be too full. 我们那啥的时候也方便 Later. When we... do the stuff. 你这样让我更难于启齿了 You"re making what I"m about to say even harder. 韦斯 它真的在动 - 露西 待着别动 我马上来 Wes, I can feel it moving! - Lucy, just stay still! I"m coming! 露西的石膏里好像进了只流浪蜘蛛 So, a hobo spider seems to have crawled into Lucy"s cast and, 其实我不该叫它流浪蜘蛛 for the record, I am not calling the spider homeless 因为我这里就是它的家 because he very much has a home. Mine. 我得先处理好家里的事 I have to stay here and deal with this. 你别怪我 Please try not to hate me. 不会 我不怪你 我理解 No, no, no. I"m no hate. I... I get it. 你肯定生气了 我知道 真抱歉 You should be mad, and I totally get it. I"m so sorry. 要不这周换个时间见 Can I make it up to you later this week? 我没生气 No, I"m not mad! 改天晚上再约也行 Yeah, I could make another night work. 我都有空 I"m pretty much free any time. 要不周二

 Maybe... Tuesday? 露西周二要做理疗 周三呢 Tuesday"s Lucy"s physical therapy. Wednesday? 应该可以吧 Sure? 你还想要我怎样 What do you want me to do? 抱歉 我不是说你 韦斯 Sorry, not you, Wes. Um... 快去处理石膏里的蜘蛛吧 Go ahead and deal with the spider and the cast, and, uh... 祝你好运 - 好吧 再次抱歉 good luck.

 - Alright, I"m sorry. 我不想那啥 I ain"t doing the "Stuff"... 但我想玩拼字游戏 but I"d play a game of Scrabble. 让你惨败 And I"ll whoop your ass, too. 查德 发现问题了吗 Do you see the problem here, Chad? 看着都一样啊 They look the same to me. 问题就在这里 Well, that"s concerning to me, 查德 其实是有差别的 Chad, given that they are different. 一种会让厕所难看 另一种不会 I mean, one will make our bathroom ugly, and the other will not. 没办法 订单就这么写的 Can"t help you. It"s on the purchase order. 你就接受吧 You"ll have to live with it. 哥们 Hey, buddy, 限你一小时内把瓷砖装对 you have an hour to start an installation with the right tile, 不然我会给方圆五十英里 or I"ma call every person 有厕所的人打电♥话♥ who owns a bathroom within a 50-mile radius

 抹黑你 to tell them you suck. 别去看我给你的差评 Forget about what I write about you on Yelp. 怕你妈妈伤心 Your mother will cry. 她已经够失望了 我会搞定的 She"s already very disappointed. I"ll fix it. 谢谢 Okay. 宝贝 Babe, 以后承包商我来应付 我很在行 let me handle contractors from now on. I speak their language. 该装还是得装 It"s called shaming. 好的 Got it. 你好 莲花 还是我 Hey, Lotus! Me again. 我想再确认下你还有何需要 Just triple-checking that you don"t need anything. 如果有 那你就是我的头号♥客户 If you think of anything, you"re my number-one client. 不光是因为我只有你这位客户哦 And not just "cause you"re my only client! 好吧 我先挂了 Oh! Okay, gotta go. 波比 请你解释下 Bobby, help me understand. 三年来 我都在跟你上早七点私教课 I"ve had the 7 AM private session for three years. 你现在电♥话♥也不打 信息也不发 You don"t call, you don"t write. 直接在应用程序上把课调到十一点半 You just switch me to the 11:30 AM on the app? 抱歉 我得给工作人士 I"m sorry. I have to reserve 预留这时段的课程 the 7 AM solo for people who actually work. 我不是吗 - 我是指朝九晚五的那些人

 I work! -I just mean... people with 9-to-5 schedules. 但我保证 But, I promise, 团体训练里我还会重点关注你哦 I"ll work you just as hard in this group sesh, "kay? 怎么是团体训练 It"s a group session? 珍妮丝 双胞胎还好妈 Hey, Janice, how are the twins? 那是个当妈的吗 Is that a mom? 我不明白为何酒店不增订 I don"t understand why the hotels haven"t re-upped their order 乌姆系列的洗浴产品 of the Woöm"s bath and shower line. 难道他们往瓶里装些便宜货 Unless they"re refilling the bottles with something generic. 我们要全面调查 I want us to do a full investigation. 不过先得给我的离婚律师送文件 First, we have to drop some papers at my divorce attorney"s. 记好了吗 - 明白 Are you writing this down? -Yes, yes. 我现在就在忙这事儿呢 That"s definitely a thing I"m doing with my hands right now. 你们是不是瞒着我组了个乐队 You two starting a girl band I should know about? 可惜我今天没带牛铃 I did leave my cowbell at home today. 是离婚律师打来的 真会挑日子 This is my divorce lawyer, today of all days. 五分钟后在泊车处等我 你来开车 Meet me at the valet in five. You"re driving. 好的 马上到 So fun. Be right there. 你跟塞莱斯特说让我承担更多职责 Um, when you asked Celeste for me to have more responsibility, 可我根本不想这样 I didn"t at all mean this. 你可以去找 Well, maybe you could ask the

 另外两个乐队姐妹帮你 other two Haim sisters to give you a hand. 好吧 塞莱斯特把柯林的东西全烧了 Oh, right. Um, Celeste is burning all of Colin"s shit, 她或许答应把这吉他送给她按♥摩♥师的儿子 and I guess she promised her masseuse"s son this guitar? 他可能是音乐家或者心怀大志的服务生 Maybe he"s a musician or a barista with big dreams. 东西给我吧 You can just leave that with me. 反正我在等斯特拉一起去吃午饭 I"m waiting for Stella to meet me for lunch anyway. 你真是太好了 真想疯狂感谢你 Oh my god, thank you so much. That would be insanely helpful. 疯狂已是我生活的常态 Insane being the main word in my life right now. 我把他的联♥系♥方式发给你 Okay. I"m gonna send you his contact. 他应该快到了 He should be here really soon. 好的 Okay. 太感谢你了 祝我好运吧 Thank you so much. Pray for me! 你好啊 Uh, hi! Hello. 我是朱尔斯 你应该是芬德吧 I"m Jules. You must be... Fender? 我来拿吉他 但本人可不是吉他 Well, I"m here for the guitar, but I"m not a guitar myself. 可能下辈子就是了 Maybe in my next life? 说的也是 Right. Yeah. 很有可能 Yeah. Of course. 我还以为你会像澳洲人那样 I thought it was Australian like in a... "早 我是芬德" G"day, Fender! 这样打招呼 - 好吧

 Kind of a way... -Well... 吉他很不错 She"s gorgeous. 想听点什么吗 Any requests? 点歌♥吗 Oh, a song, huh? 我想想 有什么歌♥ Any song. Um, one single song. 反正也没插电 - 好吧 It"s not plugged in anyway. - Oh. 真可惜 我刚想说奈莉的 Too bad because Hot In Here by Nelly 《热火朝天》- 不是吧 just sprang to mind. - Oh damn. 重返高中舞会呢 Middle school dance flashbacks. 很怀念吗 - 没有啦 Fond memories? - Not at all. Um, 我躲在厕所里大哭 因为亚历克斯·彭德尔顿说 I cried in the bathroom because Alex Pendleton told me 我身上有股味道 胡说八道 I smelled like pool water, which I didn"t. 亚历克斯·彭德尔顿也就初一那时很风光 Well, we both know Alex Pendleton peaked in seventh grade, 他现在是住在妈妈家地下室的单身狗 and he"s now an incel who lives in his mom"s basement. 谢谢安慰 Thank you. 我很想 Well, I"d love to, uh, 继续聊下去 但是我得走了 continue this, but, uh, I gotta be somewhere. 要去演出吗 Oh, gotta get to a gig? 没错 我要去和 Actually, yeah. I"m doing a recording "治愈创伤"乐队录歌♥ session with a group called Trauma Bonding. 你听说过吗 - 没有 但我经常 Have you heard of them? - Uh, no, but I"m very familiar

 忍♥受伤痛 with actual trauma. 我还得拿样东西 Um, I need that. 差点忘了 Oh! Of course you do. 谢了 Thanks. 很高兴见到你 朱尔斯 Nice to meet you, Jules. 过来 Come here! 先说好 Okay, first of all, 我们现在是好闺蜜 你也别担心 we"re now best friends. Don"t feel threatened. 我们很合拍 我把她当自己人 She"s everything, and I"ve claimed her as my own. 真为你们高兴 - 其次 刚才那人是谁 Very happy for you both. - Second, who was that? 我在这都能感受到你们之间的性张力 I could feel the sexual tension from over here. 经过多次心理治疗 我以为不会再对 After a lot of therapy, I thought my days of being attracted 任何直男心动 直到他出现 to straight men were behind me, and yet here we are. 确实 他长得挺帅 Yeah. He is very not bad looking. 没错 而且他明显对你有意思 No, and he was clearly hitting on you. 你怎么不约他出去 Why didn"t you ask him out? 不知道 我的心里 I don"t know. My dance card is pretty full with... 装着别人 one other person. 我跟韦斯 用俗话说就是 搞上了 Wes and I, as they say in the business, banged. 韦斯是兽医 Wes is a veterinarian who lives 还在和前女友同居 因为她手摔断了

 with his ex-girlfriend because she broke her hand. 猛料啊 - 感觉如何 Okay, hot? - So, how was it? 很爽 爽翻了 Good. Too good. 但这事我还没告诉麦迪逊 But, I haven"t told Madison 我总觉得她不希望我俩在一起 "cause I feel like she"s not gonna love the idea of me seeing him. 她现在还很脆弱 Yeah, she"s still in a fragile place, 恐怕这会让她又想起科林的事 and I feel like it"ll trigger all the Colin stuff. 我们的闺蜜莫名其妙地 Our best friend unknowingly 跟塞莱斯特的前夫搞上了 had an affair with Celeste"s ex-husband. 又是猛料 你们说的事都好劲爆 别停 Okay, also hot. I"m impressed by everything I"m hearing. Go on. 我不想对她有所隐瞒 I just hate keeping anything from her. 或许不用隐瞒很久 Probably won"t have to hide it much longer 我也不知道何时能再见到他 because I have no idea when I"m gonna see him again. 他就像是护士杰姬 He"s basically Nurse Jackie. 那天晚上又爽约 - 好 够了 Canceled on me again the other night. - Okay, that"s it. 马上去约刚刚那人 You need to ask this other guy out right now. 我还从没主动约过男人呢 Asking a guy out first isn"t really something I"ve done ever. 所以你才搞到现在的地步 And that"s why you"re always stuck in this dynamic. 伊兹把他的电♥话♥给我了 Well, Izzy did give me his number... 那正好 你开头打算说什么 - 我不知道 Okay, hello? What"s your opening line? - I don"t know! 通常都是麦迪逊帮我想撩汉短♥信♥ Madison is usually the one who helps me compose my boy texts.

 意思就是 她告诉我 And by helps, I mean tells me 该写什么 然后帮我发送 exactly what to write and then sends it for me. 我一般会发张截图 上面只有我的 I mean, I usually start with a cropped photo of, like, 曼妙身姿 - 或者... just my torso. - Or... 想都别想 Okay, hard pass on both of those. 我再想想 Okay, I"m just gonna try something. 大家觉得朱尔斯的开场白如何 So, what do we think of Jules" opening here. 有何感受 How did that make you all feel? 很糟 - 感叹号♥显得她很饥渴 Bad. - The exclamation point makes her sound thirsty. 只有疯子才会在句末加标点 Only psychopaths put punctuation at the end of a text. 我发都发了 Well, I already sent that text, 你...



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